Household and Collectible Sale
Wednesday April 25, @ 9:30 am
Preview Tuesday 10-7
2 Trailer lots of box lots Outside! Weather Permitting
Beautiful banded edge Secretary with bookcase top; Really unusual 6-sided multi-level buffet with display areas and mirrored back; Queen Anne Mahogany Buffet; Nice Pair of tufted red leather armchairs and footstools with nail head trim; Tufted red leather sofa with nail head trim; Dining Room Set; Small ladies’ desk with string inlay; Side-by-side cabinet; Corner cabinet; Sofa table; Round leather top flip top table;
Detailed library table; Overstuffed leather sofa; Dining room table, chairs, and china display; Lyre base gaming table; Oak drop front desk; Large needlepoint bench; Small bench; Glass top side tables with twisted legs; Chests of drawers; Oriental style storage cabinet; Narrow secretary; Another nice secretary; Victrola cabinet; Roll top desk; Large China Display with curved glass; Book shelf; Drop side table;
Pedestal side table; Metal top work table; Parlor lamp; Set of cane back dining chairs; Painted step-back cupboard; Large baker’s rack; Trunks; Magazine holder; Lots of chairs of all types; End table with candle stand; Children’s chair; Wine rack; Old oak card files; Pine coffee table; Rocking Chairs; Dinette set; Office chairs;
Oriental and Native American Rugs; Several Room size, medium and small rugs; Mirrors; Table lamps; Outdoor furniture; Nice Coin dot lamp with marble base; Mantel clocks; Wall shelf; Hanging lights and much, much more!
2 Tables of nothing but Sterling! Goblets, Flatware, Bowls, Plates& Platters, Trays, Candlesticks, Compotes, Photo Frames, Coffee & tea pitchers; Vases, Dresser set; Basket, S&P, Mugs; Sugar and Creamers, Ornaments, Coins & More! Silver-plate too;
Lladro statues; Lots of nice art; Original artworks; Miller High-Life neon sign; Floral art; Paintings and prints; Sopwith Camel print; Owl statue; Chicken statues; Lots of Framed sheet Music Covers;
Sets of fine china; Wedgwood; Hand-painted vase, pitcher, plates and more; Collectible teacups; Tart pan; Geisha girl plate; Hat pin holder; Shaker; Vases; Ginger jars; Ruby glass decanter set; Red glass parlor lamp; Pink depression; Hen on nest; Carnival glass bowl and Pitcher; Art glass pitcher; Domed butter; Large collection of Fostoria American; Crystal; Opalescent hobnail vase and candlesticks; Purple stemware and Lots More!
Cherry Master Slot Machine; Flat screen TV; Black side-by-side refrigerator with in door ice & water; Miller High Life neon sign; Acoustic guitar; Sewing Machine; Aluminum ware; Cookware; Hand mirror; Pig bank; Lion bank; Other banks; Lanterns; Old linens; Boxes of thread; Basket of seashells; Fine and Costume Jewelry; Jade bangles; Oriental antiques; Snuff bottles; Scales; Apple Leaf bottle;
Cast Iron Dutch oven; Cast iron pot with lid, tea kettle and more; Crocks; Camera and lenses; Nesting dolls; Mini Cappuccino Luxe machine; Watches; Butter molds; Rosette set; 2 part food mold; Trivets; Pillsbury feed sack; Waffle maker; Fish mold; Large Oriental textile; Baskets; Blue Canning Jars; Store Counter Jar; Copper Ham Boiler; Lance Jar; Milk bottles; Old Soda bottles; Coke bottles; Leather punch; Sad Iron; Spur; Key; Insulators; Zinc Lids;
Nice pair of large cloisonné vases; Concrete Garden benches; Cast Iron Pig; Life–size Sitting Foxes; Bicycles; Patio Sets; Hay knife; Jar of marbles; Harley Davidson bike model; HD patches; Hess RV; Old toys; Old toy Grader; Wooden Horses; Models;
Blue Heron Weather Vane; Storks; Yard bird art; Wrought Iron; Bicycles; Cooler; Chicken & Hen pot; Chain saw; Ladders; Old sharpening stone with bench; Spreader; Sprayer; Scaffolding; Power Auger; Cast Iron Yard bell and more!
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Pete Elliott, VAAR #2845 Madison VA 22727 (540) 738-2256
Terms: Cash/Check/Credit Card 3%
Food Provided, Not Responsible for Accidents
Announcements on sale day take precedence
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone
Auction to be held at WJ Carpenter (Gray) Buildings on northbound side of Rt. 29 between Brightwood and Madison.